Slow Down While A.I. Rises - A Thought From Im Just Josh
Published at 5/29/2024

For musicians, there has never been a time like this before in our lifetime. As cliché and common sense as that may be, lets really step back and think about this for a moment...
When Beethoven was creating his 9th Symphony, do you think he ever thought about a technology that could study his previous 8 and write his 10th symphony for him? When Van Gogh was painting The Starry Night, do you think he ever thought about a technology being able to study all his work and create his next masterpiece for him?
Its such a wild thought but we have made it there in this lifetime. Although these technologies are amazing at what they are capable of, should we be worried about their impact? Knowing that we cant even trust a human to not go into another innocent human's unlocked car in the night and steal something, we HAVE to be prepared for this technology to be used negatively, which it already has with a "fake" artist name Ghostwriter using Drake's AI voice to create and release a song without Drake's approval.
With the growing world of AI and new technologies, I am beginning to believe that a lot of us musicians are forgetting the real true reason why we got into music in the first place. Most will say things like: to express myself via art\music, to become famous and\or make enough money to support myself and not work a 9-5.
In doing all 3 of those things, what are you, as an artist, doing the entire time??
You are creating your own journey.
From day 1 of picking up a microphone\drumstick\piano, whatever it was, to this moment right now in your career, you are on a journey. And as artists, our true goal is longevity, which includes: freedom to express yourself along your journey to inspire others, the ability to support yourself financially from selling your art, and consistent attention from your fans and listeners to grow your audience over time.
Key word there, "over time." One of the many big problems the music industry as a whole is facing, is artists wanting to go viral as fast as possible, or getting famous as quickly as possible. With the rise of social media and other technologies and AI, we are seeing drastic changes happening across the music industry that are taking away from creating that journey or shortening it as much as possible.
Let me go into slight more more detail on this.
Instant gratification is this human era's goal, it seems. People want things done quickly and perfectly, and anything less adequate is swept under the rug. This same logic is being applied in music now too, with apps and algorithms creating ways to bypass the human element. And while yes having something done quickly and perfectly is obviously ideal, what about the human aspect of learning from your mistakes? When things are done "perfectly" there is no mistake, losing the "human" touch.
All in all, my big question for those reading this is: When and where do we draw the line of letting technology being able to create our art for us and can we bring more of the humanity back into creating?
A thought from: Im Just Josh Artist Representative HITMKR 1\2 of FRNDS FRVR